
Are you a musician starting out?

Do you have a following on social media?

Do you want to guarantee your long-term success whether you teach music or sell out gigs?

I’ve been teaching Oud online for over 10 years, and the tool that has helped me the most over the years was not social media.

It’s my email list.

You may have followers on social media, but can you guarantee they are going to see your post?

Don’t rely on social media to sell your music or art.

Use our email list.

The tool I use to manage my email list to stay in touch with my followers is CONVERTKIT.

Get your free account here.

Don’t miss out on capturing your follower’s email addresses.

I see too many of my musician friends do this… they have a website… they have all the social media accounts… I follow them all.

But every post I see gets forgotten in the sewage of social media posts.

I never hear about their new album, or their concert…

When I do… I can’t find their post again…

Because they are not emailing me directly about it.

Email your fans. They will appreciate you for it.

Get started now.

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